Granted, but you'll never be as appreciated as much as the worst Dubstep producer. I wish for a cake.
Granted but the electromagnet is powered by copper with a battery, and the battery gives u acid poisening i wish for a real sheep.
Granted, but it likes to whack your balls. I wish the AK-47 in every Call of Duty game didn't look like shit.
Granted, but the Battlefield fanboys are now infinitely worse than the CoD fanboys ever were. I wish for a clock that was completely accurate and was completely infallible, as well as automatically setting itself whenever the clocks are changed.
Granted, but in his time away he has become embittered and hateful, putting even Che to shame. I wish everything was cheaper.
Granted, but I wanted you to use that joke. I wish I had a dime for every time someone made a bad joke.
Granted, but the Government takes a 99% tax of all your earnings. I wish everyone paid me a collective annual tithe of £1,000,000.
Granted, but the pound becomes a worthless piece of shit requires £100,000,000,000,000 to make 1 US dollar. I wish the secrets of the world revealed themselves.
Granted, but you are permanently silenced after having heard them. I wish I knew what the answer to life, the universe and everything was.
The answer is a simply ( 42 ), this number makes your head explode however. I wish I was a delightful block of Swiss Cheese.