Comments on Profile Post by Imperial1917

  1. Skyicewolf
    Imperial, he has 60,000 men plus civilians camped out in a city, with absolutely no food coming in. I'm sure you can do some sort of biannual casualty system
    Jul 12, 2012
  2. GeneralofCarthage
    Then you should lose men from attrition.......
    Jul 12, 2012
  3. Skyicewolf
    Which would be miniscule compared to your losses.
    Jul 12, 2012
  4. GeneralofCarthage
    Mountains cost a lot of men....and so do deserts.......
    Jul 12, 2012
  5. Skyicewolf
    Again, my supply line is around 75 miles. And the area south of Ankara, down to my territory, is mostly scrubland, so nice try.

    Your city has no methods of growing food, and my circumvalation will make sure you GET no food either. Your men will be starving in a few months.
    Jul 12, 2012
  6. Imperial1917
    For now, there is not an attrition mechanic, GOC, as I explained before. And his losses would be less than yours and at a lesser rate, considering how the conflict is progressing.
    Jul 12, 2012