Comments on Profile Post by UnitRico

  1. UtterlyImpeccable
    Is that sarcasm? Or do I just see it 'cause I'm British?
    Jun 18, 2012
  2. UnitRico
    It is indeed sarcasm, it's pretty shitty. I wish they hired some Japanese people to fix it...
    Jun 18, 2012
  3. UtterlyImpeccable
    But..but.. you have DOUBLE-DECKER trains. What more could you want? They're awesome.
    Jun 19, 2012
  4. UnitRico
    They are utterly shit and garbage. You'd think you'd have more room because you have an extra level, but nope, when I normally sit there my knees reach the seat in front of me, it's ridiculous.
    Jun 19, 2012