Viking Socrates
Last activity:
Jul 28, 2012
Sep 25, 2011
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May 24, 1996 (Age: 28)
In a cave,watching shadows (Plato reference)
unemployment line.

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Viking Socrates

I am Mad Scientist, 28, from In a cave,watching shadows (Plato reference)

Why are we still on this? I mean its obvious the forums are dead. Jul 18, 2012

Viking Socrates was last seen:
Jul 28, 2012
    1. Viking Socrates
      Why are we still on this? I mean its obvious the forums are dead.
    2. Viking Socrates
      Stay tuned because we're still fucked.
    3. Viking Socrates
      Since we're all doomed. I think I will confess my worst crime to you all. I convinced an entire classroom to become anti-theist communist.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Onyxja
        Post PORN! Do it. One. Last. Time.
        Jul 15, 2012
      3. Epiccheesegrater
        That's just sick.
        Jul 15, 2012
      4. Viking Socrates
        Viking Socrates
        I have great orator skills, but this crime is the worst I have ever done.
        Jul 15, 2012
    4. Viking Socrates
      They didn't, did they? My god they did. Clearly this is the end.
    5. Viking Socrates
      Reading a collection of letters from Lincoln, to sum it all up "slavery is morally wrong"
    6. Viking Socrates
      Guys the current chat I'm having on Omegle is either with Link or Kali to this I have no doubt.
      1. Kali likes this.
      2. Kali
        How you figure, son?
        Jul 15, 2012
      3. Viking Socrates
        Viking Socrates
        Many reasons. However the question given to us was "Why are Americans so racists"

        1. The person discussing with me went off on the guy, calling him a typical yurotrash cunt.

        2. We had a discussion on communism and how much we detest it, actually the main focus of the conversation was about how much communism is flawed and its supporters are as well. They are sub-human at best
        Jul 15, 2012
      4. Viking Socrates
        Viking Socrates
        3. He pointed out that most people on the Internets are leftist because they suffer from bronies and Autism.

        4. Supported Obama and Keynesian economics.

        5. Had a taste in Anime, I did not discover which ones as he left before I could ask

        It is clear from this evidence it is either you or Link.
        Jul 15, 2012
    7. Viking Socrates
      It is the choice of steins;gate that will do such.
    8. Viking Socrates
      Feyris Nyan Nyan.
    9. Viking Socrates
      Unban everyone, just saying.
    10. Viking Socrates
      Kali got a new Mayuri avatar.
    11. Viking Socrates
      This forums is an interesting place.
      1. Benerfe
        Soon it will be paradise.
        Jul 14, 2012
      2. Jack118
        There are several problem with your plurality.
        Jul 14, 2012
    12. scottap25
      Germany is dead... Danzig has dissolves, the national Senate in dissarray and the Consuls no where to be found. To you, my loyal Poles, I gift you the Northern Half of my realm.
      1. Viking Socrates
        Viking Socrates
        Thank you for this gift, announce it official on the citystates thread.
        Jul 14, 2012
      2. scottap25
        Yes. But I cannot give you the City of Danzig. It shall be a fully-functioning neutral state with the immediate area around Danzig.
        Jul 14, 2012
    13. Viking Socrates
      I am Nicolas Jean-de-Dieu Soult.
      1. Tyum2
        Napoleon greatest generals.. alongside Ney.. and Jean Baptiste
        Jul 14, 2012
    14. Viking Socrates
      Today has been an interesting day on the forums.
    15. Viking Socrates
      "We know what we do. We know why we do what we do. What we don’t know is what what we do does."--- Foucault
      1. Kali
        Wrong on all three counts. We can at best only think we know what we're doing, introspective analysis is notoriously unreliable, and just about the only thing we can be sure of in the world is what we observe. Unless of course he's referring to our inability to predict the outcome of our actions. Then he's spot on.
        Jul 13, 2012
    16. Viking Socrates
      Hey GeneralofCarthage is online, that was a pretty long leave from the forums.
    17. Viking Socrates
      I'm going to stay out of this British/American avatar bullshit war.
      1. Epiccheesegrater
        Who said there was a war? I'm sure Chives is just over-reacting.
        Jul 12, 2012
    18. Viking Socrates
      In unrelated news, played a total war game for the first time in my life. I have no idea what I'm doing.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Starfire787
        It's better than no alerts.
        Jul 12, 2012
      3. Viking Socrates
        Viking Socrates
        I get to many alerts.
        Jul 12, 2012
      4. yuri2045
        I don't think there's a script for Hannibal to show, but to defeat his spearmen (read crap phalanx) its just hammer and anvil.
        Jul 12, 2012
    19. Viking Socrates
      Steam sell everybody.
    20. Viking Socrates
      I could care less.
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    Evelyn Beatrice Hall
    Reality Is Bullshit

    Reflection Is A Concept

    Based On Your Own Fucked Up Ideal


    May 24, 1996 (Age: 28)
    In a cave,watching shadows (Plato reference)
    unemployment line.
    Politics, Economics, Philosophy, History, Psychology and Sociology, Cars and of course video games