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Feb 6, 2011
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May 8, 1992 (Age: 32)
Student of Philosophy

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Ex-Admin, Male, 32, from London

https://shitposting.life Apr 19, 2017

Unillogical was last seen:
Apr 24, 2017
    1. Unillogical
      Who on earth IP banned you!? hang on.
    2. Unillogical
      The Avengers was what I expected, good action scenes, cheesy dialogue & a predictable plot.
      1. Viking Socrates
        Viking Socrates
        Personally I liked it though there was a child yelling for the entire time.
        May 12, 2012
      2. Unillogical
        I liked it as well. It was good for what it was. I'm just saying you don't go and see it for the plot.
        May 12, 2012
    3. Unillogical
      Just do what I used to do when I had homework to do. Don't.
    4. Yarpen
      Why hello there good sir, it caught my atention that 20 years ago today was the day you were given birth. Happy jolly day m'lord. Chim chim cheroe
    5. Unillogical
      Is drunk, night all!
      1. Unillogical
        I do not remember posting this!
        May 9, 2012
    6. Vassilli1942
      Happy Birthday.
    7. BattalionOfRed
      Happy birthday, Uni!

      Have a nice day.
    8. C_G
      Congrats on getting closer to your deathday!
    9. battleearl
      Happy birthday, fucking faggot!
    10. Bart
      Congratz on yar birthday!
    11. Surfusa
      Wow Uni, our birthdays are right next to each other... Happy birthday man! Go out pubing ;)
    12. Daddy92
      happy 20th b.day Chief!
      the best part of life starts now !
    13. ironchin
      Happy 20th to our "usually absent but sometimes here admin and site technician"
    14. Shisno
    15. Unillogical
      5 essays in 3 days. Woe is me!
      1. Viking Socrates
        Viking Socrates
        What are your essays on?
        Apr 30, 2012
      2. Unillogical
        Hume on Causation, Nietzsche on Morality without God. An essay on the problem of evil. Is God the source of Morality & the metaphors of Salvation in Christianity.
        Apr 30, 2012
    16. Viking Socrates
      On your sig you say that Continental philosophy is not philosophy and I have always been curious as to why you think that, also what is your thoughts on Analytic philosophy?
      1. Unillogical
        Because in essence in continental philosophy is simply "Here's my conclusion, accept it or you're an idiot/dick" etc.

        Analytic is the only Philosophy, anything else isn't philosophy where you back up your conclusions with good arguments & those arguments with arguments right up to your base "assumptions" "intuitions"
        Apr 29, 2012
      2. Viking Socrates
        Viking Socrates
        Thank you for clearing that up, now if you excuse me I have to go right a paper on applied ethics.
        Apr 29, 2012
      3. Unillogical
        Have fun, remember to deny what ever you're arguing for and conclude that Good & Bad are simply properties we project onto otherwise morally neutral actions & that to say something is unethical is essentially to say "boo that".
        Apr 29, 2012
    17. ironchin
      Did you ever get that debating site of yours off the ground? Or are you simply still working on it?
      1. Unillogical
        I'm afraid I have no idea what you're talking about. I like debating, but I don't remember having a debating site project.
        Apr 26, 2012
      2. ironchin
        Philosophy? It was a couple of months ago, I remember you mentioning it.
        Apr 26, 2012
      3. ironchin
        Actually it might have been more a personal philosophical thoughts site. Or maybe my mind is playing tricks on me.
        Apr 26, 2012
    18. Unillogical
      You're not, your in the same crazy club as my mother who agrees with you.
    19. Unillogical
      A foolish fool with a foolish sieve for a brain only speaks foolishly with foolish words.
    20. Unillogical
      It's "Tag" epiccheesegreater" anyone who says tig should be arrested.
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  • Signature

    Continental Philosophy isn't Philosophy.


    May 8, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Student of Philosophy
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