Let’s Play Mass Effect 3 – Part. 12

Let’s Play Mass Effect 3 – Part. 12
  1. Spartandude
    Why is there a prostitute stacked like a chinese phone book pretending to be ashely?
    Mar 28, 2012
  2. ivantheterrible60
    she never forgot any of those soldiers yet i cant remember that one random guy who died at the begining of the first game.
    Mar 15, 2012
  3. UnitRico
    So, after the zombie sex in Indigo Prophecy, I wonder if you end up getting robot sex in this game...damn, these guys just keep surprising, don't they?
    Mar 13, 2012
  4. Gibberygoon
    The Hanar and the Drell live on the same planet. So they probably would have given you assassins.
    Mar 13, 2012
  5. MrUnclepeanuts
    @Morgenstein he finished that LP many moons ago.
    Mar 13, 2012
  6. theteremaster
    hey stalin, i have some music that would make an AWESOME intro to your LP. pm me if your interested
    Mar 13, 2012
  7. Morgenstein
    I know your probably too busy with Mass Effect 3 and other let's plays, but you haven't forgotten your Dead Space let's play, have you?
    Mar 13, 2012