"What?They took my club?!"Shouted Mr.Pazzone "Calm down,we'll get the fucks fo' it."Said Gaveilli "We'd need your help Mr.Gaveilli,Carlado,and Corleone." "You'll get the men and money needed for the job. But we must get revenge on these germans too."Said Gaveilli Don Carlado remained in silence.Then replied: "As Mr.Gaveilli said we need to focus on the Germans too."He dodged the question of the italians.
" Gentlemen, my family and the Pazzones will attack the the club and destroy Irish foothold in the area. We will need the money and guns of the Gaveilli to support us. Mr Calrado and Gaveilli will plant some car bombs and we will send letters to the German mob stained with poison. That will send them a strong message."
The Carlados gives 1000$ to the funds to this operation,Gaveilli gives 1100$ On this money the Pazzones hire 3 hired guns 2 armed with M1911s,and 1 with a shotgun Their Capo gets an A-5 shotgun and out of 2 soldatos in the mission 1 gets a M1911 and the other gets a Tommy gun The enforcer gets a tommy gun too. total expenses:1010$ Carlado and Gaveilli bought 2 car bombs and poison for 3 people(outside the funds)
The Corleones buy 4 heavy weapons ($1000) and give it to the don, under boss, enforcer and a Soldato. The Corleones are ready for the attack.
Horváth Gyula and his underboss have met the Irish at the abandoned cabaret club. "So irishman,what's do you seek with us?" ps.The italians will attack the strip club,and you'll have to defend it.Post the stats of people there(hired guns,soldatos etc.) and their weapons.
Jack start's "Hello since your the new one on the block i was wondering if you be interested in allying with me and the Germans to take down the damn Italians. ps I just took it for the money then left it there's no one there at lest not yet.
WTF why do you take over an abandoned strip club taht was shot to shit? (it was closed after persian's shootout for 4 Real days and I think it won't open untill tomorrow)
The irish retreated from the buisness.The Pazzones retake it and their gang now guards it. The Carlados took the Drug Lab at Star Junction