Simple and quite fun game. User 1 makes a wish, and user 2 corrupts it and makes a wish themself. Example: U1: I wish for cake! U2: Granted, but there's dynomite in it so your head explodes I wish for a bowl of cereals! U3: Granted, but you get hit by a meteor... Etcetera, etcetera... I'll start: I wish for a nuclear missile.
Granted, but the Government takes it away and executes you for possessing a weapon of mass destruction. I wish to be the leader of The Kings!
Granted, however, you fly over a restricted area and are shot down. I wish I could travel back in time to woodstock
Granted, but it brings all the boys to the yard, and now your house is surrounded and you can't escape. You slowly die of starvation. I want a nicer computer!
Granted, but your bourgeois scum and 10 years leader your execution is ordered when the revolution happens. I wish that Luxemburg succeeded in her revolution in Germany.
Granted, but communist Germany wins World War Two and now everyone drives a Trabbi. I wish Scotland would win the World Cup.
Granted, but the game is extremely laggy, buggy, has no multiplayer and the singleplayer has a terrible story. I wish I the Detroit Lions would stop sucking.
Granted, but they all get drunk and fall into a ditch. And die. I wish for a good 'ol bucket o' fish. (I have my reasons...)
Granted but you become ill due to it being undercooked and kickstart a new virus similar to bird flu but called fish flu, it kills millions.... I wish i had my ps3 back :cry:
Granted. But the following day Microsoft buys Sony and shuts down the servers, stops putting out games for PS, and everyone is forced to buy 360's if they want online gaming that doesn't suck. Looking at you, Wii... I wish I was God.
Granted. Everyone on earth becomes in-convert-ably atheist, and being god without people to praise you is pretty boring. I wish for a degree in nuclear engineering.
Granted, but you are forced to work for the Iranian government due to a job shortage and instead of devoting your time revolutionizing nuclear energy you are ordered build an A-bomb while Ameridinnerjad screams "Death to Infidels!". I wish I was bulletproof