It doesn't work like that. Imperial said I couldn't attack the IOM forces immediately. But you said you sallied some men so I brought the Egyptians around.
THE WESTERN FRONT: 110,000 Athenians: 70,000 hopturians 40,000 calvary 100,000 Spartans: 70,000 hopturians 20,000 calvary 10,000 archers 150,000 Carthaginians 60,000 spearmen 25,000 sacred band. 25,000 calvary 40,000 archers 100,000 Venetians: 57k roman style soldiers 20k spearmen 18k archers 10k light calvary 200,000 Imperium's: 75,000 men carrying zhanmadao, dao, 3 javelins, and iron shields. 75,000 men carrying bows, dao, and iron shields. 25,000 light cavalry armed with bows and dao. 25,000 heavy cavalry armed with ge. TOTAL: 660,000 I am NOT attacking until the IOM and venetians are hare.
I am hearing two stories. One says that the IoM is being attacked. This one includes the Cathaginians attacking the Egyptians from behind. The other says that Carthage has sallied forth and is fighting the Egyptians. Sounds like one battle either way. Either way, I have alot of work to do and I would appreciate all the force strengths/compositions/locations in one, cohesive post for once. @Thefatkid So did you sally forth or not? @darthdj31 If he didn't sally forth, what is your next move?
Troop composistion: 200,000 Swordsmen 149,800 Chariot archers 100,000 archers 149,975 Spearmen If he didn't, then I would keep driving toward Venetian Morrocco.
If he went to attack your forces. The yes we moved all the Greeks by boat to attack from behind. Greeks being me and Athens.
What is going on?! Are you people fighting or not?! @Thefatkid Did you sally forth or not? As I understand it, I told him that he could not insta-transport to the IoM, so he is still at Carthage. @darthdj31 What are you attacking? Are you attacking at all?
If he is attacking you then yes I sallied forth. If not then we are at Carthage waiting for your troops.
I am not attacking anything, I suppose the forces are still at Carthage. We are constructing siege equipment.
@darthdj31 @Thefatkid Okay. Since the Egyptians are still in Carthage and not attacking, no battles are happening. The IoM transfers all cavalry to Army Group Delta. Army Group Delta moves out to join the defense of Carthage. Total composition: 75,000 heavy infantry carrying zhanmadao, dao, 3 javelins, and iron shields. 75,000 light infantry carrying bows, dao, and iron shields. 75,000 heavy cavalry carrying ge and iron shields. 75,000 light cavarly carrying bows and dao. The remainder of Army Group Exolon will stay in IoM terrictory and defend.
Who does it? People who need to prepare an army of 300,000. I mean, I am almost doubling the defense force that you have. Be happy. And besides, there needs to be some semblence of realism here. Speaking of which, @darthdj31 What do you say to spawning, oh, about 300,000-400,000 more troops to spice things up? Nice.
Rofl, I leave it to your choice. Guys I am no longer commanding the Egyptian horde, if you are interested, but not directly fighting the Egyptians either, please talk to Imperial.
Ok, as darth has his own duties to deal with, I shall be taking command of the Egyptian Horde. Death and destruction for everyone! Know that what will now comes to pass is no longer war! It is endless sacrifice in the name of the God of Blood, War, and Frustration!
Ok, I'm sure that there are some English problems with that sentence, but in any case, that I control the IoM will be no problem as I will distribute the pain evenly to everyone. Which reminds me: The Egyptian Horde just grew 300,000 in their Egyptian holdings.