A Slightly Less Generic Discussion of Gay Marriage.

A Slightly Less Generic Discussion of Gay Marriage.
  1. Imperitor
    why don't you believe the bible, ive heard a billion arguments and all of them are illinformed bcuz they never tend to study the bible they assume or take out of context
    Jun 22, 2012
  2. mshig11
    I completely agree with Stalin, the decision of gay marriage should be up to the people who it affects the most, ie. people who are homosexual.

    I'm no philosopher, but I also believe that gay people should be able to marry just based on the fact that they are human. People who identify as homosexual are no different than people that are heterosexual, they are still people. Really the only difference is the people they want to be with, one small little *personal* preference. It's their lives, let them decide how they want to live it.
    May 20, 2012
  3. noelsoong
    I see what you did there.
    May 15, 2012
  4. 3man75
    take back no mod powers just a glitch in my connection...
    May 15, 2012
  5. 3man75
    Fuck you win chelsea my bad someone do me a favor and DEL the post.
    But i stand for traditional marriage. Nice mod powers...
    May 15, 2012
  6. Chelsea366
    @3man75 That is still not a decent argument against gay marriage, or one that makes any sense. Things like that will happen whether gay marriage is legal or not and you know what if you're so concerned about them being on the dating scene then gay marriage would actually take them off of it. Gay marriage wont affect straight people one damn bit and it annoys me to no end that you guys bitch about things that wont and act like it will affect you horribly. All it will do is allow gay people to get married and no I wont settle for "civil unions". Live and let live, if it doesn't actually affect you then kindly mind your own damn business. The ONLY way your arguments would make sense is if you think being gay itself should be illegal. You can choose whoever you want to date, if you fuck up and mistake a guy for a girl then just move on and find a girl you like. I guarantee that real straight girls aren't going anywhere and legalizing gay marriage isn't going to flood the clubs with gays pretending to be women trying to get you into bed and forcing out the real ones.
    May 15, 2012
  7. 3man75
    Ok wait i should have made it more specific excuse me dutchy of dutchland.
    How will the people of our new generation choose what they want in the dating world when random shit like that happens. That same story has happened alot down in miami {GO HEAT!} for any kind of date.
    Im really not caring about gay marriage and personally i could find a way to milk some cash out of gay's for marraige papers { money pulse...}.

    I argue that gay marriage will effect us here tremendously in miami so i want to know more about how
    it has affected other countries on the social level that's about it.
    May 15, 2012
  8. BigBoss
    The Georgian peasant look is one of my favourite.
    May 15, 2012
  9. Chelsea366
    @3man75 That is not an argument, that is a personal experience by your friend who can't tell what's what. In no part of your post did you provide any actual arguments against gay MARRIAGE. Just that one dude picked up a guy who he thought was a girl and it upset him. "Pro-gay marriage fanboys"? So wait, we're fanboys now for wanting our relationships to have the exact same options as straight relationships or fanboys for supporting such equality in relationships? Do you realize how ridiculous that whole post is? If that person lied to him and pretended to be an actual woman, that's that person's fault. If he just couldn't tell then that's his fault too. Not the fault of anyone or anything else. Not the fault of other gay people as a whole or whether gay marriage is allowed or not. I doubt he went through with anything after so it's not that huge of a deal anyways. Shit happens at clubs and bars, he should've just chalked it up as a drunken(?) experience and moved on. Your story is nothing but the actions of two people that really has no relation to this at all, it wasn't like he was engaged to her and THEN found out she was a dude. You shouldn't use the actions of a few people to say that an entire group is bad or shouldn't have so and so options, that's never a good argument.
    May 15, 2012
  10. 3man75
    this is my counter argument to you stalin and other pro-gay marriage fanboys. My
    freind ounce told me that when he went to a club he found apretty young girl which he invited to
    his apartment...turns out she was a HE!!! He told me later that he was afraid of dating because of that and didn't know what to do later. Thank fully he got over it and i hear now he's married with kids.
    May 14, 2012
  11. Kotaro
    I can't agree more... there is no good reason NOT to have gay marriage illegal. On the contrary, a big argument that I've heard is that homosexuals shouldn't get married because of the fact that marriage has always been exclusive between a man and a woman. My counterargument is - What if we've been wrong all along? There's a reason why we have debates such as this, to find out if something is truly morally correct and fair. Is it fair to label gays as not to have the same privilege as same-sex couples and be labeled as married to one whom they're attracted and happy with? I'm tired of hearing the pointless arguments... even on the side of the religious argument, you still have to take into consideration that the bible was meant to be a book of moral guidelines and not that of governance. If you believe that homosexuals shouldn't be married, then so be it, but don't impose the will of a book or uncertain moral value that people don't have faith to unto them. Hell, even if they believe in the bible they should still be allowed to marry the same sex. How many Christians have committed a sin in their lifetimes? What about people who have been divorced and remarried? What about people who have masturbated? What about the crusades? I bet the people who set out on these holy wars felt justified that they were doing good when they were truly doing wrong. People will be labeled as Christian, Jewish, Islamic, or as nearly any other religion whether they morally follow EVERYTHING within it or not. Besides all that, we have more pressing matters to worry about. I'm pretty sure that gays being allowed to marry or not won't be very decisive on the revival of the economy, the decreasing of our deficit, or pulling troops from foreign wars.
    May 14, 2012
  12. Hammerstout
    Looking Suave stalin
    May 14, 2012
  13. Schlak
    May 13, 2012
  14. lordhh
    But you are asuming that anything ethicly right is good and right. But not everone is right there four most are ethicl stances can't be right. If we make a law based off these ethics (which we do) the law could be a bad one. (and if people think the law is a bad one most of the time we get rid of it.) any way there is a compermize that people just don't seem to want to look at. Marrige is between a man and a woman. It alwas has and I beleave that should not change but why not just make a new FORM or TYPE of the this with rights made just for gays and call it something else. This way MARRIGE stays MARRIGE and gays still get to have there role and spot in are soicity.
    May 13, 2012
  15. Anwrise888
    Sweet they have arizona ice tea Canada do they also cost 99cents up there.
    May 13, 2012